Kip is an ever-curious, energy-filled seven-year old cube who never tires of seeing and learning new things. Exploring the neighbor’s yard (often without permission), bringing home frogs from the local pond, or learning how glue works by using his older sister’s pigtails are daily occurrences for Kip. It’s not that Kip is malicious—far from it—he’s just ever curious about the workings of the world and is brave enough to try to find out for himself. Kip tries hard to be a good little cube, but his insatiable curiosity often gets the best of him and lands him into zany situations.

Meet Sampley Barinaga!
Sampley Barinaga is an actor, writer, director and lover of film. He is known for his work on feature films, short films, commercials and plays. He trains at the Hollywood Huntsville Studios taught by Bill Billions, and acts alongside the best actors in the South. Barinaga strives to glorify God on and off the camera.
Currently, Sampley has a recurring role, Wesley, on a Showtime show called "Your Honor", dropping in December. Sampley is also excited to announce that he is in a movie coming soon called “12 Mighty Orphans,” wherein he plays a character called Teague “Chicken” Roberts opposite Martin Sheen And Luke Wilson— definitely the biggest thing he's done to date!
In the Cubekins pilot, Sampley plays our lead role, Kip.

Finn is Kip’s best friend and go-to partner for all of Kip’s fun, crazy adventures. Finn is not nearly as adventurous as Kip, but they’ve been best pals since they were both in the cradle, and neither can imagine doing anything without the other. Finn’s not a risk-taker like his bold pal; he always likes to play it safe and has several fears to boot - he’s afraid of the dark, snakes, bugs, water, heights, and small spaces. None of these fears are strong enough to keep him from joining along, though. Finn also has a bit of a secret crush on Kara as well, but no one knows this yet.
Meet Harrison Stone!
Harrison Stone is an actor based in Huntsville, AL. His recent work includes 2019 Best Picture Winner “Green Book” and various tv episodics including “NCIS: New Orleans,” “The Outsider,” and “Mercy Street.” Harrison’s goal is to glorify God both on and off screen, and to inspire others with his work the way he has been inspired by film.
Harrison is starting in the Netflix limited series THE LIBERATOR premiering on Nov. 11, 2020. He plays Lt. Childers in the second episode.
In the Cubekins pilot, Harrison plays Finn Straightlace.

Kara is Kip’s older sister, and at nine years old, is wise to the world and doesn’t hesitate to let folks know about it. Kara's a fanatical pet collector, is always adopting fancy new pets from her volunteer time at the corner Pet Shop, but Kip’s a little more “free range” when it comes to his non-pedigreed pets: a pocket of wriggly earthworms or bucket of salamanders from the creek suits him just fine. Kara’s generally bossy and short-tempered, but deep down, she’s as tenderhearted as they come.

Meet Brittany J Smith!
Brittany Smith is a musician, actress & professional YouTuber from Huntsville, AL. She has been performing onstage since childhood & grew up with a love for all things animation! She acted in numerous local commercials during her teens & was recently a gold ticket winner on American Idol. Brittany is a kindness enthusiast & encourages everyone she comes in contact with to “be nice & be a light”! In the Cubekins pilot, Brittany plays Kara.

Archibald (also known as Archie) is Kip and Kara’s new baby brother, and his arrival has changed everything for the Cubekins. Archie is a near-constant source of turmoil for poor Kip because he’s already learning to toddle and is constantly getting into Kip’s things and DROOLING all over them. Archie also has an unusual tick where his arms and legs randomly jerk and twitch which can lead to the creation of stunning messes or precious items begin flung all across the house. Archie, like most babies his age, has two settings: simply joyous or screaming his head off. Archie inserts an added level of chaos into any situation, and he’s a perfect comic foil. He’s definitely the Daffy to Kip’s Bugs Bunny!

Meet Brannon Hollingsworth!
Brannon is Brainy Pixel's COO/Creative Director and he was born to create. An author, speaker, poet, publisher, game designer, content creator, script writer, art director, and unapologetic Christ-follower, Brannon is a passionate creator and teacher of youth who promotes family-oriented ministries. Brannon is the author or co-author of over a dozen novels, novellas, and short stories and the co-creator of a game that Forbes called “a clever idea well executed” and “excellent”.
For the Cubekins pilot, Brannon was the author of the pilot's screenplay, a stand-in MOCAP actor, as well as having the privilege of re-living his youth by playing Archie!

Jan is Kip’s Mom, and she is the consistent, beating heart of the Cubekins family. Mom is very “by the numbers” and no-nonsense, which balances out Dad’s “seat of the pants” perspective really nicely; she’s not a risk taker and is always the one to look before she leaps. Currently, she’s not working, but once had a job in Big Box City as a CFO, so she’s a whiz with money. Mom loves her little ones and while occasionally, when kids are yelling and plates are spinning, she might dream of beautiful columns of orderly numbers, all summing up neatly and precisely, she thoroughly enjoys the controlled chaos of her sweet little family. Mom is also a passionate cross-stitch enthusiast.
Meet Avery Patz!
A native of Huntsville, Avery has loved the dramatic and creative from a young age. Her early fascination with local theater groups later encouraged her participation in small productions through her homeschool group, and now her work with Brainy Pixel. She is grateful to God for giving her the desire and ability to lend her voice to Cubekins alongside such wonderful talent!
Avery plays both Jan "Mom" Cubekin and the intrepid reporter Pris Pearson in our Cubekins pilot!

Ed (short for Edison) is Kip’s Dad, and he’s a crafty and skilled entrepreneur who is always doing lots of different jobs. As an idea guy he’s an inventor, and every time we see him, he’s working hard on at least one new job. This will become a running gag on the show, of course, but it can lead to many story ideas as well, as dad interacts with the hardware store, the bank, other vendors around town, or even e-commerce sites. Dad is a little scattered, but he’s very focused on providing the best he can for his family; it just might come from lots of different sources. Dad’s a maker and builder at heart, he’s forever tinkering on some new something, but he always brings his kids along on his kooky ventures.

Meet Noah Lombard!
Noah’s work includes over 10 years serving in children’s ministry, both through stage tech and puppeteering, work on short films, and game design. His goal is just to serve others, preferably by putting a smile on their face in the process. He’s always been drawn to animation, so if he can serve others and glorify God through animation, then it is his responsibility and joy to do so.
Noah, in addition to being our Lead Animator for the Cubekins pilot, also plays Ed Cubekin, affectionally known as Dad!

Pastor Ian is the pastor at the Cubekins’ church and is a mild-mannered, rather mellow fellow. When he’s not studying and preaching the Word of God, or serving his small, but close-knit flock of Christians, he can be found practicing his base guitar (he once wanted to be in a funk band) or dusting his prized collection of vintage Lazer Wars action figures and toys. Ian also loves zipping around Boxburg on his Onewheel XR-Xtreme and has a bad habit of being a bit too reckless on the unusual vehicle. Pastor Ian attributes this carelessness to some bad habits he picked up during the irresponsible “skateboarding days” of his youth.

Meet JD Thorne! JD is the lead pastor of
Point Mallard Parkway Baptist Church
in Decatur, Alabama. He is a graduate of Samford University and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. He is married to Corrie and has three children, Piper, Millie, and Oliver.
JD, in addition to being our resident pastor, also plays the resident pastor in Little Boxburg, the setting of our Cubekins pilot.

Pris Pearson is a well-known figure in Little Boxburg (and beyond), as she's a hard-hitting, no-nonsense reporter for Four Square News ("We Give It To You Square). Anytime anything news-worthy happens, you can rest assured that Pris Pearson, microphone in hand and cameras rolling, will be there to capture it!

Meet Avery Patz!
A native of Huntsville, Avery has loved the dramatic and creative from a young age. Her early fascination with local theater groups later encouraged her participation in small productions through her homeschool group, and now her work with Brainy Pixel. She is grateful to God for giving her the desire and ability to lend her voice to Cubekins alongside such wonderful talent!
Avery plays both Jan "Mom" Cubekin and the intrepid reporter Pris Pearson in our Cubekins pilot!

Meg (short for Megan) is the Cubekins’ usual babysitter. Of course, Kip and Kara don’t think they need a babysitter, so the “Megalosarus” is never a welcome sight for the Cubekins’ kids. Meg’s not a mean babysitter, but she is a top-of-her-class, thirteen-year old girl who’s a consummate rules-follower, list-maker, and box-checker with an extreme “A-type personality”. This definitely puts her at odds with Kip’s rambunctious and chaotic nature, and so Kip views Meg as an outright enemy from the word “go”. Meg has a pet dander allergy too, a weakness that Kip always uses to his utmost advantage.

Lunk is the nine-year-old town bully and is a problem for almost anyone he encounters – even some grownups give him a wide berth. He’s a rough-around-the-edges type, fairly immune to pain (not really, but he just doesn’t let it show), and generally obnoxious to everyone that he meets. As such, most folks simply avoid him.