Animated Christian Kid's Shows, Books, Songs, Focused on Faith, Family & Fun
Cubekins is a wholesome, small-town tale of a rambunctious, seven-year old boy named Kip exploring his ever-changing world, while learning more about his never-changing God
"Cubekins is a great kids show—children will be entertained while learning morals from a Christian perspective." ~ Dove.org
Cubekins Episode 01 Trailer

Cubekins Ep1 Trailer, Invasion of the Cubecumbers
Our Mission
We are on a mission to show kids that a relationship with Jesus Christ, praying, reading the Bible, and going to church are essential to real love, unhindered joy, and true peace in a fallen world. We believe if we model Biblically based family behaviors in Cubekins, then children will see, remember, and learn the biblical way to respond to problems. We depend on the Holy Spirit to faithfully convict and change young hearts as they watch Cubekins; He is faithful. Our job is to tell a great story and present a biblical pattern of response so kids have a model of behavior when faced with a similar real-life situation.

Overall, Cubekins is a great kids show—children will be entertained while learning morals from a Christian perspective. Parents need not worry about negativity or inappropriate themes. When looking for a wholesome way to teach and occupy their children, parents can trust Cubekins to fulfill those needs." - Dove.org

Cubekins characters are endearing and give an easy to understand Biblical message to deal with sticky situations. Lively songs and colorful digital animation will hold the interest of younger viewers, and parents will appreciate this clean, worry-free entertainment! -Becky Bartlett
Becky Bartlett, Actress/Host, Pax.TV

Cubekins provides a snappy soundtrack and colorful characters to introduce your little ones to the Love of God! "Veggietales meets Mayberry is the best tagline there is!" - Jamie Cosley, Cartoonist for Star Wars Insider, Topps, and more
Jamie Cosley, Jedi Cartoonist
What People are Saying about Cubekins
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We're so glad you're here!
While Cubekins is a show for children, we also have you on our hearts. We want this website to useful, helpful, encouraging for you! A one-stop shop for Cubekins news, homeschool resources, gift shopping, advice and tips, and more!
So go grab your coffee, sit for a moment, and let's work together to make your job easier. :)

Brainy Pixel Productions - Creators of Cubekins
Who are we? We’re a couple of Jesus-loving, super-creative guys, their wives, and our nine kids between us. In a world of media choices, you can trust Cubekins to bring faithful encouragement and safe fun to your children.

"Parents need not worry about negativity or inappropriate themes. When looking for a wholesome way to teach and occupy their children, parents can trust Cubekins to fulfill those needs." - Dove.org
We're so blessed to have received the Dove Seal of Approval! Read the entire review by clicking the button below!

"Cubekins is a wonderful animation that is captivating, engages younger audiences, and has a positive Christian message. I am a preschool teacher for a church and my kids thoroughly enjoy watching the video. They are engrossed in the film and I can tie in the message portrayed to my kids through a Bible lesson and craft. Thank you for having this resource for me to use." - Sangeeta Balaraman , RHC Production Assistant
Dear Momma, ever wish for a Christian cartoon that includes faith, prayer, real family interactions as well as FUN? Ever wish for a show that models turning to God when one doesn’t know what to do? Where reading the Bible is normal? Ever want your little ones to see their cartoon friends go to church and worship Jesus Christ, the Son of God?
We do too! And we couldn’t find it… So, we made it. Cubekins is a show about a small town of square folks that live, love, work, and worship together. Think VeggieTales meets Mayberry from Andy Griffith, and you’ve got Cubekins. Colorful 3D animation, catchy tunes, and lots of laughs leading to a tender scene of repentance, grace, and a God-glorifying resolution. Yeah, that’s what we want in Christian entertainment. We think you do too.
Dad, Mom, Kara, Kip, and Archie Cubekin star with Kip’s best pal, Finn, and Pastor Ian in their pilot adventure: Cubekins: Invasion of the Cubecumbers. Dad has a creative idea, the kids join in, sin and mishaps ensue, and Kip learns an unforgettable lesson about asking for forgiveness and following directions.
Who are we? We’re Brainy Pixel—a couple of Jesus-loving, super-creative guys, their wives (that’s us!) and our nine kids between us. We want to make Christian entertainment that glorifies God, edifies the family, and plants seeds of godliness in our kids’ hearts. Riches are not the goal, making a living and following Jesus wherever He leads, is. We’re working on several shows right now for different age groups, but this one, Cubekins, is the one we want you Mommas to watch with your little ones. As the Lord supplies the resources, we will begin working on the next episode. We have over thirty stories planned and are excited to continue, Lord willing!
We know $4.99 isn’t cheap for a 22-minute cartoon, but we hope you’ll purchase it and watch it over and over again, knowing that your purchase price goes directly into making the next awesome episode. Thank you for your support, and if you’d wing a prayer to our glorious Savior asking Him to provide all we need, we trust He will. We’re praying for you, too, Momma, that your love for the Lord would increase, that your zeal for Him would be as fire, that your courage and endurance would not fail as you change diapers, make another sandwich, teach ABC’s, sit in car line, go to T-ball practice, and then create dinner out of some ground meat, frozen broccoli (chopped up real tiny), and some shredded cheese. Yep. We’ve been there. In Jesus, you can do all things, Momma; you’re doing great! We hope Cubekins gives you a 22-minute respite from the good, eternal work you do all day and all night long. May the Lord bless you as you point your babies to our All-Sufficient Christ.
In Jesus,
Andrea Thoenes (Cubekins Director and Co-Writer) and Heather Hollingsworth (Cubekins Lead Editor and Continuity Chief)
PS. If you are concerned about what we at Brainy Pixel believe, you can check out our Core Values.
P.S.S. Cubekins won’t ever go into denominational territory. We will include Scripture, spontaneous prayer, going to church, and talking about Jesus Christ, but we will leave it to you to teach your kids the rest. We think that’s how it should be.